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Hillsboro R-3 School District Overview

The Hillsboro R-3 School District (HSDR3) spans 107 square miles in central Jefferson County, encompassing approximately 8,040 residential dwellings. Located just 35 miles south of downtown St. Louis, HSDR3 is committed to providing a comprehensive education program that meets the diverse needs of all children in the district. Our district includes one high school (grades 9-12), the Ridge Alternative Learning Program (grades 5-12), a junior high school (grades 7-8), an intermediate school (grades 4-6), an elementary school (grades 2-3), and a primary school (grades K-1). Beginning in 2025-2026, the district will add an Early Childhood program to the primary school.


Educating the youth of the Hillsboro community is paramount to the overall success of our community, now and into the future. We recognize the significant responsibility of this endeavor and accept it with pride.


“Together, we educate and inspire the learners of today and the leaders of tomorrow.”

We encourage and believe education is a partnership between students, staff, parents, guardians, community members, business leaders, and our local legislators. Our strategic plan as outlined in the following pages illustrates our commitment to each student, their overall learning experience, well-being, and the relationships they build and encounter along the way. Our valuable staff plays a pivotal role; therefore, the recruitment, growth, and retention of our committed and dedicated staff remains a top priority.

District Boundary Map

District Campus Map

Find if your address is in our District

Comprehensive District Data - DESE

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

Public Information

GovDeals (Hillsboro R-3)

School Aerial Shot

Hillsboro R-III School District


DESE MSIP Accredited

Assessed Valuation


Levy (including Debt Service)




Certificated Staff


Support Staff


Enrollment K-12


2024-2025 Tuition Rate


Welcome to the Hillsboro R-III School District!

We are proud to offer a wide range of innovative programs and services to support our students, families, and community:

Educational Programs and Opportunities

  • The R.I.D.G.E. Alternative Learning Program

  • Hillsboro Agriculture Programs Farm

  • Early Childhood Special Education (in coordination with DeSoto School District)

  • Full-Day Kindergarten

  • Comprehensive Special Education Program

  • K-12 Tutorial Programs

  • Advanced Placement/Dual-Credit College Courses

  • A+ High School Program

Specialized Initiatives and Support

Innovative Learning and Development

  • Project Lead-The-Way: STEM Courses (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)

  • Tech/Prep Vocational Courses 9-12 (in conjunction with Jefferson College)

  • Art, Computer, Gifted/Talented, Health, Music, Reading, and Writing Programs

  • Interdisciplinary Professional Learning Communities

  • Extensive Professional Development Programs for Staff

Extracurricular and Enrichment Programs

  • Interscholastic/Intramural Athletic Programs

  • Summer School Programs

Technology and Infrastructure

  • Wireless Campus

  • 1:1 Ratio of Chromebook Devices